Monday, February 5, 2018

Definition of Object-oriented Programming

Do you ever hear about Object-oriented Programming or OOP? What is Object-oriented Programming? What is the different between Object-oriented Programming and the other kind of programming? and What is the advantage of Object-oriented Programming?

So we will try to explain that!

In the programming, we know that it has some paradigm of programming such as functional programming, declarative programming, procedural programming, and object-oriented programming. We will not explain all of it, we will focus on Object-oriented Programming.

Object-oriented Programming is a programming paradigm that focus on making an objects or figuring a program as a smaller objects. It is different from procedural programming which is figuring a program as a sequence of instructions. In addition to focusing on problem solving, the OOP also focus on identifying the objects involved and how the interactions between objects are. 

What is object? we know that object is a material things that can be touched and seen or a person or thing to which a specified actions or feelings is directed, for example: house, car, cat, or anything but in OOP object is a combination from function and data. Every object has an attributes and behaviors. Attributes is a data that distinguish between one object with other objects, in the classes attribute is called Variable. And what the object can do is called Behavior, in the classes behavior is called Method. For example: Human, the attributes are names, sex, age and the behaviors are eat, walk, and run. 

Classes, we can call classes as a blueprint for making an object. Classes is only used to create a basic framework. What we will use later is a printout from that Classes, the Object. An object can also be called instances. 

Main Concept
There are four main concept in OOP:
  1. Encapsulation, is a concept that binds together the data and functions, and that keeps both safe from outside interference and misuse.
  2. Inheritance, is a concept that inheriting attribute and method from a classes to the other classes. An inherit classes is called Superclass and inherited classes is called Subclass.
  3. Polymorphism, is an ability of an object to have more than one form.
  4. Abstraction, is a process that removing or dispensing all of unrelated data to make a program more efficient. 
The Advantages of OOP are 
  1. Improve program quality
  2. Freedom of expansion
  3. Ease of maintenance 
Programming Language
Visual foxpro, Java, C++, Visual basic.

That's all that we can explain for you guys, thanks for visiting our blog and don't forget to go back to visiting this blog because there are many other information you can find. You can share this article to!

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